Why aren't there tests, exams, or even a pop quiz for people who become parents?
Pop Quiz:
Question: You're on public transportation with your three grumpy, bored and tired children after a long day. One child has just nommed on a pear and is stuck holding the core - so, naturally, he's whining about it - because a) he's a child and b) who wants to be stuck holding a sticky pear core if there's nothing cool you can do with it?
What do you do?
a) take the core, wrap it in a wet-nap that you have in your diaper bag because you also have a child who is stroller age and diaper bag is right there, thus ending the whining.
b) tell your bored, fidgety child to go up to the bus driver the next time the bus stops and ask if he can put it in the garbage, thus ending the whining AND giving the child something to do.
c) Scream at your kids for acting like kids, bellow like an injured sea cow at them to stop whining and to SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! at the top of your lungs and don't forget to put them down because they're always doing this and they're irresponsible and they need to start taking responsibility for themselves... 'cause they're ... 5.
And as a spectator, how do you respond to the Parent Of the Year who answered "c"?
1) Stand around tut-tutting and tsk-tsking while muttering about the offensive, scary beast-mom.
2) Distract the kids while you rip off the scary beast-mom's arm and pummel her about the face and ears with it.
3) Follow her home to discover her address and report her to the Children's Aid.
Witnessing this situation is bad enough. Hearing from your significant other that this is a peek into their childhood makes my heart hurt.
Hug your kids today. And let them be brats every once in awhile. Its part of the growing process.
And if you know someone like the scary beast-mom, get her drunk and have her sterilized. Be proactive.
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